Monday, September 16, 2024

Web3 Security


Web3 security focuses on protecting dApps and blockchain networks from vulnerabilities and attacks. As Web3 technologies evolve, they introduce unique security challenges, including smart contract bugs, private key management issues, and phishing attacks. Ensuring robust security involves practices like code audits, secure development protocols, and user education. Key measures include multi-signature wallets, decentralised identity solutions, and comprehensive risk assessments. With our Crypto Exploit Tracker tool, you can stay informed about recent exploits, their impacts, and related transactions, crucial for maintaining security and trust in decentralised platforms and applications.

Security Incidents

SBF Appeal Seeks to Overturn Conviction, Cites Judicial Bias

Sam Bankman-Fried has filed an appeal seeking a retrial of his fraud conviction, citing judicial bias and claiming that the original trial was unfair. His legal team argues that the judge's actions compromised the fairness of the trial, leading to an unjust conviction.

Indodax Hack: $22 Million Lost in Major Crypto Breach

Indonesian cryptocurrency exchange Indodax has suffered a significant security breach, resulting in the loss of over $22 million in digital assets.